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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  March 22, 2011 2:35am-4:00am EDT

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leading the air assault on libyan air defense and assets on the ground, the u.s. will pull back and hand over command and control to someone. when? >> we anticipate this transition to take place in a matter of days and not a matter of weeks. >> reporter: the u.s. role will then shift to providing logistical support while the uk, france, italy and other countries enforce the no-fly zone. but no one will say how long that will last. >> i wouldn't speculate in terms of length at this particular point in time. >> reporter: after all, the no-fly zone over iraq ended from the end of gulf war i to the beginning of gulf war ii, 11 years. there is now growing international disagreement over the u.s.-led attacks. norway with drew its planes because it was unsure about which country was in charge. meanwhile, russian prime minister vladimir putin railed against the air strikes as outside meddling, saying it is,
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quote, reminiscent of a medieval call for a crusade when someone called on others to go and liberate something. and be sure to stay with abc news all day as we continue our coverage of the military action in libya. more live reports are just ahead on "america this morning" and also on good morning good morning. you'll find breaking developments any time on and now to japan where efforts to cool that crippled nuclear facility are under way. >> that is amid fears about food contaminated by radioactivity and a death toll from the whole catastrophe that continues to rise. >> we go to abc's akiko fujita live in kamaishi, japan. >> reporter: good morning. we just learned power has been restored to reactors number three, four and five. and it is just the news japanese officials have been waiting for. that's key because that power will eventually get everything running in a way that cools down the reactors and adds cooling
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water to spent fuels that are leaking radiation. now, they've also been working on the replacement pumps. if that starts working, enough sea water is pumped into reactors and spent pool fuels, officials believe they could stabilize the plant. meaning, bring the temperatures back to a safe cooling place. they are expected to resume water-spraying operations later today as well. now, traces of radiation found in vegetables and water remain a concern and shipments of spinach and raw milk from the area surrounding the nuclear power plant have been stopped. the international atomic energy association says japan needs to do more to reassure the public about food. the government has just started to test fish and the shell fish. radiation levels found in these foods, it's important to note the government has said those levels are not high enough to cause any harm but they are raising plenty of alarm out here. on the rescue and recovery efforts, we are learning about the first american death related to this earthquake and tsunami.
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the u.s. embassy has confirmed the body of 24-year-old english teacher taylor anderson has been recovered. she was found in a city about 240 miles north of tokyo. rob and peggy? >> all right, akiko, appreciate that. do we have a sense yet how the clean-up is progressing, the magnitude of which has to be astounding, to say the very least? >> reporter: we are starting to see clean-up efforts pick up. cranes are being brought into the hardest hit areas. you'll see images in a town that used to be home to 20,000. most have been evacuateded there. and they are staying in shelters. clean-up efforts under way there. we're in a town kamaishi, hard hit by the tsunami. we notice the roads are now passable. fewer debris filed up in the middle of the streets. residents say it's much better than it used to be, so it is a sign of progress. but considering how substantial the damage is, this is a small step in a much larger rebuilding
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process. >> thank you so much, akiko fujita with that update. to a major political move by the obama administration. the white house will call for the united nations human rights council to fight discrimination against gays and lesbians worldwide. the administration is pushing for a vote on a resolution on this matter and that could come later on this year. the declaration will be made in geneva and it has support from more than 80 countries. another republican is taking the first step toward a presidential run next year. tim pawlenty announced on his facebook page that he's formed an exploratory committee. he called on backers to help him, quote, take back our government. the first republican presidential debate is just a few weeks away. it will be held may 2nd in california. former presidents to tell you about as well. all four former commanders in chief were together in washington at a tribute to george h.w. bush. the event was the first time the
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living presidents were all together in the same room since president obama's inauguration. >> the world's most elite fraternity. >> very cool. here's a look at your weather on this tuesday. stormy from the rockies to the midwest. up to 15 inches of snow from idaho to michigan. 80-mile-an-hour winds, large hail and tornadoes from oklahoma city to chicago. heavy rain in the twin cities, sioux falls and milwaukee. also showers today from seattle to san francisco. >> sacramento, 57. phoenix, 67. 44 in chicago. 65 in indianapolis. and 76 in kansas city. 80 degrees in miami and atlanta. near 60 in baltimore. and 52 in new york. snow yesterday. not welcome. >> no, no. somebody had some fun in south carolina. they tampered with just a few road signs in that neck of the woods. >> wasn't rob. whoever it was did change the signs to read stuff like zombies ahead, be alert for tanks, watch for hunters. the signs were along the road
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and a private contractor got ready to start repaving. pretty shocking. >> yeah. as you can imagine, most drivers were not amused. some thought it could be a distraction. we'll be right back. ♪ i said imagine that me working for you ♪ (
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we return now to japan where the number of dead has now risen to more than 9,000 following that devastating quake and tsunami. >> just incredible. the country's north east coast was the hardest hit and some of the most astonishing pictures are coming from a town where some 13,000 people are still missing. bbc takes us there.
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>> reporter: when the sea has taken all you know, how do you comprehend it? every landmark obliterated. even finding where his home stood isn't easy for this 12-year-old. this is the first time he's been back. but house number three on his street, there's just a void. >> translator: my desk was up there. my bed was over here. this is where my bookshelf was. >> reporter: this is all his sister, 10-year-old found, her school bag. she used it for trips to the beach with her father. >> translator: because we live near the sea, i could play there. i would go with dad. it was fun. which the tsunami came, it was scary, but i like living by the sea.
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>> reporter: her father is missing. he was a rescue worker directing people to safety while his wife and children fled. 500 bodies have been found here so far, but not his. when the tsunami struck at 2:45 that friday, most of the adults were here, in the middle of town. this is a place of 26,000 people. it's hard to believe it now, but you have to imagine shops and offices, supermarkets and restaurants, all busy. the children, they were in schools. those are built on higher ground to protect them from tsunamis. so most of them survived. the high school, their place of refuge, is now full of children who are grieving. and for these children, it's become their temporary home. >> translator: i wish more
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people were searching for the missing. i hope we'll find dad alive and well soon. he's a very important member of my family and i love him a lot. >> reporter: in the mud and debris, she discovers something else. a photo of their father. >> translator: he was a very good man, her mother says. describing him as the pillar of our family. she went to the morgue, but still couldn't find his body. damian gramaticus. >> no words. still devastating. the numbers, 18,000 expected dead and 500,000 still living in shelters. >> all those people not to be found and all those kids, as damian mentioned, evacuated to
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higher ground. >> beyond what most people can get their head around.
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and now to the connecticut man who danced himself around the world and is now dancing around the internet. i haven't seen this before. i didn't know he made a profession out of it. >> yeah, he's big time. matt harding has taken his flash mob style dance routine to more than 150 countries, including hong kong, where abc news on campus reporter richard schuster caught up with him. >> reporter: wherever this backpacker goes, he's greeted with a cheer. >> what do you think, this works? >> reporter: matt harding was working as a video game designer. >> i got everybody in the shot. >> reporter: eight years ago he decided to quit. >> three, two, one, go! >> reporter: ever since he has
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been dancing badly around the world. and in the process, becoming a global internet sensation. >> this happy guy dancing badly around the world, i love it. >> saw the video, really, is this what people do with their time? >> reporter: this is how it started. a dance just for fun for friend and family. the video of his gig went viral. now over 60 million hits on youtube. >> this was not my plotted career. at all. no. i used to make video games for a living. sat if front of a computer all day and that was my life. >> reporter: on this latest trip across the world, matt is on the lookout for new moves. >> turn around, smack your butt. >> reporter: this time it's hong kong's turn. and even on this foggy afternoon, hundreds of fans gathered along the iconic waterfront for a chance to dance with matt. for one good reason written on their faces.
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>> it's just the adrenaline rush and the energy. >> one, two, three, turn. one, two, three -- >> reporter: this is work for matt. the dance brought him sponsors and appearances in tv commercials. >> all right! it may be over and i may have to settle down and kind of figure out what i'm going to do from now on, but i'm just having a really good time doing this now. >> last dance. two, one, dance. >> reporter: after more than 150 places and dances, with an apartment, dog waiting for him in seattle, this might be the last trip before matt hangs up his dancing shoes. this is richard schuster for abc news on campus, hong kong. >> i love it. i like that he didn't want to spend the rest of his life at a job he didn't like. in the video game industry, he said, that's enough and had a great time on vacation, he turned it into a lifestyle. >> that's something i would
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normally make fun of, but that brings you joy, smile and happiness, dance on, folks. >> dig it. >> mn mp coming up next. let me tell you about a very important phone call i made. when i got my medicare card, i realized i needed an aarp... medicare supplement nsurance card, too. medicare is one of the great things about turning 65, but it doesn't cover everything. in fact, it only pays up to " 80% of your part b expenses. if you're already on or eligible for medicare, call now to find out how an aarp... insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company, not paid by medicare part b. that can save you from paying .up to thousands of dollars... out of your own pocket. these are the only medicare supplement insurance plans... exclusively endorsed by aarp. when you call now, you'll get this free information kit... with all you need to enroll. put their trust in aarp p medicare supplement insuranc.
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get lunesta for a $0 co-pay at sleep well, on the wings of lunesta. >> announcer: "world news now" delivers your "morning papers." all right. if you want proof we really are not a nation of totally bright people, here you go. "newsweek" magazine -- >> oh, come on. >> -- recently had 1,000 citizens take the official citizenship test and the magazine reported 38% of people failed and that -- >> that's sad. >> civic ignorance is nothing new. 70% did not know the constitution was the supreme law of the land. 29% could not name the vice president. 23% dpnt know mlk fought for civil rights. and 6% couldn't find independence day on the calendar. >> you need to do your research.
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we have some questions, bake facts that everybody really should know. and that i've been researching on google -- >> yeah, you cheated. the producer came up with knees questions to test us and peggy was googling during the commercial. >> come on, i call these segments to make the anchor look like idiots. >> who was the president during world war i? do you know that. >> wood -- wood -- >> oh, whoa. >> woody wilson. >> woodrow wilson is correct. very good. you cheated on that. >> i did. >> here is the next question. we elect a u.s. senator for how many years? basic civics. six years. >> six years. that's easy. >> you get it right, buzzer. you got it right. this is what you were googling during the commercial. you're shameless. >> i was just doing a refresher. what do we call the first ten commandments of the constitution? >> bill of rights. >> bill of rights. >> it's interesting to go back and refresh -- >> especially when you cheat. >> since midnight i've been on
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wikipedia. next headline, oregon nudist fear they won't be able to walk around nude, which is popular in oregon. they have that bicycle ride done in the nude. >> uncomfortable. >> oh, i'm going to start laughing. portland hosts this naked bike reside -- >> she giggles. she can't handle it. they're considering new strip laws and nudists were afraid the strip club laws will apply to them and they couldn't rome the countryside news. you're from that part of the country. she's lost it. once she starts, it's all over. peggy's done. last thing, 100th birthday. this is cool. this man is -- i got it. you just come along for the ride. he went skydiving for his birthday, 100 years old. god bless that man. that's how you live life.
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>> that's so sad. we need a sound effect for that guy. give him a sound effect. >> forgive peggy. give him a sound effect. >> forgive peggy. we're going to c they just don't know it's theirs. if you made less than $48,000 in 2010, see if you qualify for the eitc- the earned income tax credit. some pple can geas much as $5,600 extra back from the irs. it's so close, you can almost touch it. visit
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this morning on "world news now" -- request denied. u.n. refuses to call off international forces pounding libya even after a plea from moammar gadhafi's government. >> this as forces get ready to extend the no-fly zone over libya. it's tuesday, march 22nd. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." and good morning, everybody. i'm rob nelson. >> i'm peggy bunker. president obama took time out to explain where u.s. stand in its international role and what moammar gadhafi should do in response. that is coming up. >> that's the big question there. a lot of folks have.
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why are we there? >> the third war we're now involved in. >> you also ahead, the latest work to stop radioactivity leaking from a nuclear plant in japan. and what's being done to stop tainted food grown near that plant from getting to your dinner plate. could some, though, already be in your fridge? scary. >> good story coming up. also later, who is more likely to stay unemployed over the long term, the men or women? we'll bring you the results of this astonishing new study. some reasons why one sex is doing better than the other. it may surprise you. >> and you hear all the time that men make more on the dollar than women but these new stats -- >> which is annoying. >> incredible finding. stay tuned for that. first, we want to bring you the latest. u.s.-led forces are now bombarding libya for the third straight night and forcing the no-fly zone over tripoli. >> despite the attacks on the capital, the white house says the military is not going after the libyan leader. john hendren joining us from washington with more. hi, john. >> reporter: good morning.
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regime change may be official u.s. policy in libya but president obama insists moammar gadhafi is not a target of "operation odyssey dawn." in a visit to chile the president said this is a humanitarian mission and, quote, we're going to make sure we stick to that mandate. >> the international community rallied and said, we have to stop any potential atrocities inside libya. >> reporter: the president spoke for the first time since a rain of international bombs targeted libyan antiaircraft guns. heading the international effort right now is u.s. commander general carter hamm of the u.s. african command. >> we have not observed libyan aircraft operating since the beginning of coalition military operations. >> reporter: gadhafi's advance on benghazi has come to a halt. >> those in the vicinity of benghazi show little will or capable to resume offensive operations. >> reporter: the president said the u.s. will soon step back from the vanguard of the
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international coalition enforcing the no-fly zone and allow a leader from some other country to take the lead. the president has aggressively moved to make sure the libyan operation is not seen as another u.s. war in another muslim nation. he didn't say iraq but he made it clear that war has been carried largely on american shoulders. general hamm said it is possible it could end with a stalemate with gadhafi still in power. not ideal but that happens when you have a target. "the new york times" journalists released from capitaltivity in libya are now giving a harrowing account of their capture. the four crossed safely over the border into tunisia yesterday afternoon. they describe being captured by pro-gadhafi forces and ordered on the ground, fearing death any second. they overhead one soldier say, shoot them. another said, no, we can't, they're american. while the pro-gadhafi forces are well equipped, professional
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fighters, the rebel army is anything but. alex marquardt has more on the military and political leaders of this uprising from benghazi. >> reporter: the rebels today displayed a trophy of their new might, one of gadhafi's tanks captured thanks to help from coalition fighters above. the u.s. and 21 other countries are backing these rebels, but how much do we actually know about them? leading the fight against gadhafi is a man who worked with him for decades, head of his feared interior ministry, general abdul fattah younis. in that role his job was to enforce loyalty to gadhafi. younis told us a few weeks ago he stepped down because gadhafi had gone too far, killing protesters. then there are the rebels' political leaders. what do they want? you understand there is a lot of apprehension in the united states. the government feels like they don't know you very well. "we really do understand american fears," he said, assuring us they want democracy
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with political parties, a new constitution and elections. still there is a lot of skepticism. >> there is cause for concern. we don't know who we're dealing with yet. quite simply only time will tell. >> reporter: what about gadhafi's claims that the rebels have terrorists and islamic monday mentalists in their ranks? >> colonel gadhafi likes to play on western fears of islamic militancy and claim that somehow this movement is being led by jihadists or people linked to al qaeda. there's no real truth in that. >> reporter: as these rebels march on in their quest to oust gadhafi, there's little denying that the u.s. has thrown its significant military weight behind a disjointed group they're still getting to know. alex marquardt, abc news, benghazi in eastern libya. and you can stay with abc news as we stay on top of the military action in libya. we'll have live updates on "america this morning" and also on "good morning america." we'll hear about the criticism
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the president faces from capitol hill regarding this country's involvement in libya. again, keep it right here on abc news. and we have word this morning of the first confirmed american casualty of the tsunami in japan. >> 24-year-old taylor anderson of virginia was working there as an english teacher. she helped children get to higher ground and then headed home on her bicycle. but she never made it. >> so sad. for other details on this situation we're joined by t.j. winick. good morning, t.j. >> reporter: good morning, rob and peggy. it appears efforts to contain radiation at fukushima nuclear plant are headed in the right direction but every day it is becoming more and more apparent the scope of the earthquake and tsunami tragedy. it appears japan may have caught a break earlier despite a cloud of smoke escaping from two buildings at the fukushima daiichi nuclear plant. >> the source of that smoke is unknown, although there is indication that there's been no increase in temperature or in radioactivity. >> reporter: and there has been progress.
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high-voltage power has been reconnected to three of the crippled reactors, making it possible to start the cooling system. >> my assessment doesn't change. it continues to be very serious. >> reporter: more than 13,000 people have been reported missing since the earthquake and tsunami days ago. among the rubble, this man discovered the body of his wife. >> translator: can't accept it but at least the body has been found. >> reporter: in miyagi prefeek tour, this woman is still looking for her husband. she says she believes he is safe somewhere but is afraid he could be suffering. there is now widespread concern over radiation that's leeched into the food supply. milk, spinach and other leafy vegetables farmed near the reactors could be unsafe. there are calls on the japanese government to ban its sale. in just contaminated food is more harmful than radiation in the air. here in the u.s., border agents. >> they picked up radioactive
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blueberries coming from russia. that system is now in place, screening over 99% of our food that comes in here. i think it's safe. >> reporter: the carrier "uss george washington" moved out of tokyo bay last week was moved further off the coast out of concern it could be exposed to too much radiation. >> t.j. winick, thank you. back here in the united states, hundreds of home near denver are being threatened by wildfires burning in nearly perfect conditions. flames are being pushed by winds up to 40 miles an hour. there's plenty of dry vegetation, also very low humidity. one official even called it, quote, a recipe for a fire disaster. more crews are being added to the effort today. meanwhile, salvage cruise near san francisco are trying to round up more than a dozen sailboats that washed ashore there. the boats got stuck on rocks and beaches after breaking from their morings over the weekend. cruise inspecting the boats say most will probably have to be scrapped. the coast guard is keeping a close eye on several motor boats
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to make sure there are no spills. >> lots of crazy weather going on. speaking of, let's talk about your tuesday forecast. an early spring storm brings severe weather to the middle of the country. a threat of tornadoes, gusty winds and baseball sized hail from oklahoma city to chicago. heavy rain in sioux falls, minneapolis and milwaukee. up to 15 inches of snow from the rockies to michigan. >> 40 in detroit. 76 in kansas city. and 84 in dallas. 53 here in new york. 80 in atlanta. mostly 50s from seattle to albuquerque. >> and now to an update on the real life fairy tale playing out across the pond. buckingham palace announced transportation plan for the wedding of wills and kate. take a look at that. nice ride, right? it involves a horse-drawn carriage, of course. this enclosed glass carriage is being polished and prepared just in case it rains but a 100-year-old gold trimmed open carriage is the first choice to carry the new princess and prince william away from westminster abbey after their
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nuptials. the rest of the wedding party will be pulled in other carriages by 18 white horses. truly a scene out of cinderella. >> we're getting close. april 29dth is the big day. >> countdown going on. >> oh, do i. do i. right above my bed, i flip the calendar. closer and closer. >> i'm going to get you in the spirit, if it's the last thing we do. >> good luck. that's a tal order, my friend. more "world news now" coming up after the break. ♪ try try try lonely come to this conclusion love and marriage ♪ hó
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the talker story of the morning. >> it is. >> get ready for this. when we saw unemployment fall below 9% this month, it appeared things were improving, and they are, just not for everybody. >> that's right. only for some people. the latest battle of the sexes, one gender is now leading in the hunt for jobs. that lead is huge. here's sharyn alfonsi on who's getting the jobs and why. >> reporter: it became known as the mansession.
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men lost twice as many jobs as women but now some are calling our slow national recovery the hecovery because unemployed women, like dawn raynor, see no signs that things are getting better. >> my resume is littering this entire area. there's got to be over 2,000 places i've applied for. how am i times do i get phone calls and interviews? in three years i've had two phone interviews which went nowhere. >> reporter: she is not alone. of the 1.3 million jobs gained in the u.s. during the recovery, more than a million, nearly 90% went to men. only 113,000 to women. and look at the retail sector. normally a workforce made up of an equal number of men and women, but since the recovery men have gained 100,000 retail jobs, women lost that many. and the gap is widening in all industries. men netting a total of 600,000 new jobs, women losing 300,000. why? >> the people who are doing the hiring think it's more important to put men back to work there because they're supporting
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families. but the fact is women are the main breadwinners in about 40% of families. >> reporter: but that's not the only thing at play. billions of dollars of government spending pumped into the economy meant to stimulate jobs, investments in infrastructure like roads, left women for the most part behind. only 5% of women work in transportation, and they make up only 13% of the construction workforce. add to that massive cuts to public sector jobs like teaching. women make up just over half of the public workforce, but eight out of every ten public sector jobs lost belonged to a woman. >> a lot of women wonder why they don't just retrain for other jobs. dawn said she tried but they were actually not available to her because it was cut. she lives in california where there is a budget crisis. sharyn alfonsi, abc news, new york. >> 90%. >> a lot of angry women watching that. >> you'll tell me later how much you earn, right?
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>> oh, we'll share that. >> i want to see your pay stub. >> they say in the last 12 months, 1.3 million jobs created only 149,000 going to women. >> you think of the rove like road building and construction, and did anybody think, hey, most people in that work might be men. so perhaps the latest sector of the population out. wonder if anybody thought about that. >> lots to chat on that story. one guy who has no trouble finding work in hollywood. >> you'll probably recognize his face but not his name. see how he's becoming a big sensation.
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welcome back. now to the actor who's been in more than 140 films and tv shows and odds are you've never even noticed the guy. >> that has not stopped him from becoming a sensation on youtube and facebook and twitter.
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here's linsey davis with the world's greatest extra. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> reporter: well, jesse, this is a privilege for me. i don't think i've spoken with anyone who has appeared in as many movies or tv shows as you have. how have you done it? what's the secret to your success? >> i just signed up for extra work about 11 years ago. and worked the very night i signed up. i had no idea that 11 years later i'd still be doing it. >> reporter: do you consider yourself a movie star?
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how would you define yourself? category all of your own. >> i'm not sure. i think i'm a character actor. i've worked on tv shows and movies and music videos and commercials and most part i've always been a nerd or a dork or geek. high school, a play high school a lot. >> reporter: how many movies and sitcoms have you appeared in? >> i would say over 140. >> reporter: do you get people saying, you look really familiar? >> yes. well, i get a lot of, you know, people on the street say, yeah, oh, i saw you on "glee" or "chuck" or something. >> reporter: who made this video? >> a fan of mine from sweden. i didn't even know i had fans in sweden. apparently i'm the number one viewed video in sweden. >> reporter: so, were you shocked to find out? >> yeah. amazing. i can't -- i'm humbled. >> reporter: tell me about your overnight success. it sounds like on facebook and twitter, all new friend requests and followers? >> i've had like 75 friend requests a day on facebook and
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now over -- probably between 100, 200 additional followers on twitter each day. >> reporter: what's your dream job? >> if they ever remade "smokey and the bandit" i would love to be smoke yshg the jackie gleason role and be the guy chasing -- or, i you'd love to be the bandit but i'm not that type. >> reporter: biggest star you've-e worked with? >> biggest star these days, leonardo dicaprio. he actually came up and shook my hand. >> reporter: what's been your favorite role you've played? >> when i was one of the pledges in "old school" i got to work for six weeks with will ferrell and luke wilson and vince vaughn. >> reporter: if you were talking to someone who was an extra and trying to get their start, what would you tell them? from the expert. >> the best advice i can give any extra getting started, you know, if you just sign up, show up when they need you, behave on set, don't act like, woo, i'm on a movie. >> reporter: continued success,
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don't forget about us, the little people. thank you so much for talking with us. >> all right. thank you very much. >> behave on set. >> add one more to his resume. >> hey, jesse. mops? please. some of them have bacteria. ♪ and they try to pick me up? ew. i'm really hard to get. uh! ♪ what about love?! [ male announcer ] swiffer attracts dirt. used mops can grow bacteria. swiffer wetjet's antibacterial solution eliminates 99.9% of bacteria that mops can spread around. i like your pad! [ male announcer ] swiffer cleans better than a mop or your money back.
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♪ i need someone to read me stories ♪ ♪ someone to turn the pages finally this half hour, siblings have been fighting for family supremacy and we may know who hold the upper hand. >> the big sisters, right? a new study has figured out what birth order means when it comes to finding health, happy, success and john berman crunched the numbers. >> reporter: fans of "the brady bunch" know marsha seems to get the most attention. >> marsha, marsha, marsha. >> reporter: but according to a new study, she might also get
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the most allergies. 4% of first-borns get food allergies. 3.5% of second borns, even less for third. scientists think maybe changes in the womb by the time baby two or three come help build stronger. parents who hypersterilize for first born might back off for further borns. good for cindy brady and younger siblings who sent us pictures on facebook but it's not all good. take intelligence. one study found the iq of first borns three points higher than second children and four points higher than third. maybe it's all that special time with mom and dad. >> when the first born comes along and no younger siblings they have 100% of parental attention and investment. >> reporter: that can mean greater expectations and a great sense of responsibility. hence leadership. 21 of the first 23 astronauts were first born. a disproportionate number of our presidents and ceos, 43% first
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born, 33 % middle, 23% youngest. maybe this all helps explain the differences between jimmy and billy carter, bill and roger clinton. in my family, my older sister there in plaid is ceo, more successful and smarter. me? i ended up on tv. we younger siblings do have to do things to get attention. be more creative, take more risks, act like rebels. ben franklin was the youngest of 17 kids. steven colbert, youngest of 11. 50% more likely to play dangerous sports, which explains why older sister marsha had such trouble with football. >> oh, my nose! >> reporter: on behalf of younger siblings everywhere, she had that coming. john berman, abc news, new york. >> i got to agree with john. >> you're the youngest of four? >> yeah. i've been tore toured my entire life, really, by older siblings. >> only child. they didn't mention that. >> you get all the attention. everything you do is fabulous. >> oh, there -- that is -- that
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is a bunch. oh, my lord! >> oh, my goodness. >> willis is alice. >> oh, my goodness. >> willis is alice. >> a goo [voice of alicia keys] over 1000 babieses are born every day with hiv. and half will die before their second birthday. but the plain truth is this can alall be prevented. we can reach thehe goal of no child born with hiv by 2015. go to one dot org. together we can stop the spread of hiv frorom mother to chil we're not asking for your money we're asking for your voice. go to one dot org and join us today.
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this morning on "world news now" -- striking results. international forces say they have made major gains in libya, targeting moammar gadhafi's military. >> what is next and how long will the u.s. be involved? it's tuesday, march 22nd. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." good morning, i'm peggy bunker. >> i'm rob nelson. libya's rebel fighters celebrated as they took over a tank from gadhafi's military with help, of course, from international forces. you'll see why the celebration did not last too long. also ahead, the first american victim of the tsunami has been identified. hear about her heroic work in the middle of a disaster. >> oh, heartbreaking.
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later this half hour, the construction worker who received the nation's first full face transplant. it's an operation making medical history. it is astounding what doctors have done. >> yeah. we've heard about partial transplants but this is the first full transplant. very, very interesting story. first, u.s.-led attacks are lighting up the sky over libya for a third straight night. they're targeting forces loyal to the libyan government. >> american generals will not be in charge for much longer. john hendren joining us from washington with a progress report. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. after three days of pounding air and cruise missile strikes the pentagon says moammar gadhafi's forces are scattered and isolated and the results, they say, are striking. coalition leaders say they are hours away from control of libya's skies. >> we have not observed libyan military aircraft operating since the beginning of coalition military operations. >> reporter: gadhafi's advance on the eastern libyan rebel stronghold of benghazi has come to a halt.
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>> regime ground forces that were in the vicinity of benghazi now possess little will or capability to resume offensive operations. >> reporter: now coalition troops plan to expand the no-fly zone now established in the rebel-held east to the west toward the capital of tripoli as the no-fly net broadens, president obama sought to outline the reasons for the conflict. why is the u.s. in libya? last tuesday the president received intelligence that gadhafi's forces were approaching benghazi faster than they had expected. gadhafi had warned, we will show no mercy. >> in the face of that, the international community rallied and said, we have to stop any potential atrocities inside of libya. >> reporter: what is the end game? the white house says that after this first phase of u.s. forces leading the air assault on libyan air defenses and assets on the ground, the u.s. plans to pull back and hand over command and control to someone else. when? >> we anticipate this transition to take place in a matter of
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days and not a matter of weeks. >> reporter: after an operation like this begins, it's hard to say how long it will last. administration officials aren't venturing a guess. after all, rob and peggy, the no-fly zone over iraq lasted 11 years. well, four "new york time times"ist journalists are free this morning after being released from captivity in libya after crossing the border in tunisia they described the details of their capture. the only woman said, one man repeatedly stroked her head while saying, you're going to die tonight. rebel forces continue to fight with pro-gadhafi forces in the battle to control the eastern part of the country. the bbc ian panel reports now from benghazi. >> reporter: the road bears witness to the devastating firepower of the coalition. mile after mile, pot marks where charred remains of colonel gadhafi's forces. they'd come to take benghazi, the cradle of what they call a revolution here.
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but they were no match for the french jets that came. the coalition says all this is not about regime change. what's happened probably saved benghazi in the east. it rescued the rebellion from collapse. and it's handed that most crucial of things to the opposition. the debris has become a sight for war tourism. families came out to revel in the wreckage. jubilant and optimistic, not just that they're safe but that they have some very power of friends on their side. this is the final stretch where rebels have been trying to advance. there were reports colonel gadhafi's forces were retreating. they hadn't. and listen to what happened next. a tank round whistles past, fired by government troops. there was chaos and panic as the militia turned and fled. a number were injured. some killed. this is what colonel gadhafi's
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cease-fire looks like in the east. and this rag-tag army of the rebellion looks like a poor match, even with the help of the west. their vision is of a united free libya and every small step is greeted as a victory. but if they're to win, it means not just holding the territory they've got and the artillery they seize, but pushing toward tripoli and it's far from clear they either have a plan or the means to achieve that. bbc news, benghazi. you can stay with abc news throughout the morning as we cover the military action in libya. you can get the latest on international forces' timeline on "america this morning" and hear about who's not happy with u.s. military involvement in libya. that's coming up later today on "good morning america." now to japan and its nuclear fears, which appear to be easing this morning, if only a little bit. experts say the cloud of smoke escaping from the crippled plant does not mean there's been a rise in temperatures or radioactivity inside.
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also high voltage power has been reconnected at three of the reactors making a restart of their cooling systems possible. meanwhile, construction of some temporary housing for those displaced by the catastrophe is under way. the prefabricated homes are made for two or three people and the hope is to have them ready to be lived in some time next month. around 250,000 people have evacuated their homes during the crisis. japan's police now say more than 9,000 people are dead following the earthquake and tsunami there. and more than 12,000 are still classified as missing. clarissa ward now with details on survivors and the first known american casualty. >> reporter: an extraordinary tale of survival. a 16-year-old and his 80-year-old grandmother trapped for nine days pulled out of the rubble alive. the teenager tells how they managed to survive, clutching kitchen towels to stay warm. a refrigerator collapsed near them.
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in it coca-cola, water and bites of food. there were snacks, he says, so i ate snacks. so we've just arrived in the city of akita, which is about a three-hour drive from some of the hardest hit areas. we've already seen our first team of relief workers. they're packing up this truck with fuel, generators desperate will the needed supplies. at kenreesa tool hospital, we meet sotomi. she was nine months pregnant when the quake hit. did you feel the shaking of the earthquake? it was shaking so hard i couldn't get up so i just laid down on the ground, she tells me. my heart was beating so fast. with her 2-year-old boy she fled to higher ground narrowly missing the 30-foot wave that swallowed most of her town. she was immediately taken to the hospital where she gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, yoshitaka. there are many more who were not as lucky. the first confirmed american casualty, 24-year-old taylor
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anderson from virginia was working as an english teacher. after the quake she helped get children to higher ground and then headed home by bike. she never made it. her sister said she was living the life she always wanted. one life lost as another begins in this battered country. clarissa ward, abc news, morioka. >> amazing. the suspect in a tucson shooting rampage has been ordered to undergo a mental evaluation at a clinic in missouri as soon as possible. at issue is whether jared loughner is competent to stand trial for that deadly attack. six people were killed and 13 injured, including congresswoman gabby giffords. videotapes of the evaluation will be shared with prosecutors and defense. this next story might sound funny but it's really not. san antonio police were out in force after an enraged taco bell customer fired an air gun at restaurant employees and then barricaded himself in a hotel room. the man was apparently upset
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over a price hike over his burritos. after a standoff police used tear gas to force the suspect out. he's now facing charges of attempted murder. residents of a river-front apartment complex in southern maine found themselves a lot closer to the water than they ever wanted to be. they were forced to evacuate after a breach in a dam sent water gushing by their building. the water never seeped inside their building but it did come just inches, below window level. engineers are hoping to stop the breach by the end of the week. but if you wanted a water-front property, there you go. >> great view of the water. here now is a look at your tuesday forecast. heavy snow from idaho to michigan. blizzard warning in northern wisconsin, minnesota, and montana. hail, gusty winds, tornadoes and flash flooding from oklahoma city, st. louis, des moines and chicago. heavy rain from sioux falls to milwaukee and showers in the pacific northwest. >> low 50s in seattle, boise and salt lake city. upper 30s in the twin cities. 73 in omaha. mostly 80s from dallas to atlanta. and 48 in boston.
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>> keep on warming up. let spring be spring. >> please, let it be spring. more "world news now" coming up after the bre. after the break. if your racing thoughts keep you awake...
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dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. get lunesta for a $0 co-pay at sleep well, on the wings of lunesta. welcome back. medical history has now been made in boston. that's where a construction worker who was badly disfigured received the first full face transplant in u.s. history. >> now, this is a procedure that will give a dad his face and also his life back. wcbb reports but we do want to warn you, there are some graphic images in this report. >> reporter: dallas wiens arrived at brigham women's hospital ready to make medical history. last week the 25-year-old became recipient of first full facial transplant in the u.s. >> to see a face there now after
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the way he was before, but he looks great. >> reporter: in 2008 the texas man was electrocuted and severely burned after a cherry picker he was working in hit a live wire. the surgery took 15 hours and required a team of 30 doctors and nurses to attach an anonymous donor's nose, lips, facial skin, muscles, nerves and bones. >> he's a perfectly normal man from neck down. and his missing face and everything that brings him life, so i think it will give him a new chance to reintegrate with his daughter, to be able to live a fulfilling life. >> reporter: wiens was blinded in the accident and remains so. a major goal of the surgery is to regain sensation in his face so he can feel the cuddles with his 4-year-old daughter, scarlet. >> he never mentioned about, you know, i'll look better or i won't be as embarrassed going out into public because that never did bother him going out into public.
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but it was just the feeling of his daughter's kiss is what he wanted. >> oh, miracle of modern medicine. unbelievable. and the military -- the reason they paid for that, they want to learn from that procedure to help soldiers who, you know, obviously get injured in battle, have facial issues. >> a great reason. we should mention he was listed in good condition at the hospital where this procedure took place. that's wonderful news. to hear his daughter was able to give him a kiss, that's great. hopefully help him heal and recover very quickly. >> full recovery. we'll be right back. we'll be right back.
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♪ skinny so skinny ♪ >> jimmy kimmel is a brave man. don't know where that mouth has been. >> i was going to say, asking for antiseptic now. up close and personal. >> charlie made a random appearance on jimmy kimmel, gave jimmy a gift a mug with a fox on it. he said, what's this mean? he says, you figure it out.
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could charlie be working a deal with fox? you never know. apparently new reports out this morning say cbs wants charlie back. they want the show to resume. they said, les moonves, head of cbs, is now getting personally involved in negotiations to bring him back, this is quoting what they say is a network insider. he said, certain people need to forget anything and everything charlie's done recently and just move on with the business at hand. folks, when there's that much money involved, there's a lot of business at hand. money talks in hollywood. now they're saying they are trying to bring the show back. they want charlie back. get back to doing the show. >> well, bags of money to be had, therefore, a lot of bad behavior can be excused because there's bags of money involved. from one awkward moment to another. "dancing with the stars" premiered last night. did you see wendy williams? i love her. she's hysterical. she's so good. of course, ral macchio was on there -- >> karate kid. >> the whole thing. >> he's 50 years old. i didn't know -- >> 49. he looks like he's not aged a
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day. he was fantastic, by the way. let's talk about who was really good. kirstie alley was hysterical. did you see her? >> i checked her out. she's a favorite. >> she's been persecuted in the tabloids. check her out. she looks good. >> moving. >> she can move her stuff. i think she's my girl. after wendy williams, we got this good quote from lyn because wendy is a whole bag of that. she's wonderful. take a look what lyn had to say about her performance. >> wendy, i looked at you, i thought, here we go, loud and broad. you got your dumplings boiling, everything's ready. >> what does that mean, exactly? >> i know what it means. i know what it means. >> she wasn't that great on the dance floor but she's got so much personality i think she'll make up for it. karate kid ralph macchio is the one to watch. i really think he's going to do a terrific job.
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ken drashgs you know kendra with the annoying -- >> we've seen plenty of kendra. >> shaking her groove thing. this is ralph. incredible dance. very good to see him. sugar ray, romeo. a lot of good folks dancing. >> should be a good -- any early picks after watching the show? >> my votes are with the girls, kirstie and wendy williams. >> you think one of them is going to take it? >> i hope so. >> well, i heard ralph macchio -- >> he's good on his feet but i would like to see the ladies take it. >> very nice. and also -- >> we want to let you know -- karma is -- you know what they say. >> you know what. >> karma is brutal. let's put it that way. we're talking about the vegas prosecutor who went after paris hilton who was pulled over and arrested for having half an ounce of cocaine in her chanel handbag, by the way. turns out he dabbles in the drug himself. just arrested for purchasing crack cocaine. now he's on the other side of the courtroom as defendant. busted there. it's a bit of bad karma. >> are you kidding me? all that drama over paris and
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this guy was out there partying, too. >> doing the same thing, yes. >> oh, man, never know. this is very interesting to me. as a life-long, die-hard michael jackson fan, i thought, you have to be kidding me. justin bieber's movie "never say never" is the most successful concert documentary in history. released february 11th of this year and made in this country $72.7 million compared to $72.1 for michael jackson's documentary released after he died called "this is it," which was -- >> unbelievable. >> my faith was restored in humanity's musical taste because if you look at things on a global perspective "this is it" is absolutely still much bigger than bieber's movie making $190 million overseas compared to just $11 million for justin bieber. he's not going to beat michael jackson's global record. >> which is good. i don't have bieber fever or anything like that, but i will say the kid can dance. >> he can move. usher trained him and all that good stuff.
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can't argue with success. do his thing. >> if usher was your mentor -- >> the king of pop is the king of pop. pay respect.
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here are some stories to watch today on abc news. opening statements begin in barry bonds' perjury trial. the former baseball star is accused of lying to a grand jury about using performance-enhancing drugs. president obama leaves impoe chile for el salvador. it's the final stop of his latin america tour. asian stock markets are trading higher, making a big turn around after the tsunami and earthquake. even automaker stock prices are up after taking a huge hit. and good news for rob. we have less than 40 days until the royal wedding. there are many new details to tell you about the big day. part of the story makes me like kate even more? >> really?
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from the shopping frenzy to where the honeymoon might be, here's bianna with the latest. >> reporter: as prince william end his whirlwind royal tour of new zealand and australia, more wedding details are emerging from the possible down under honeymoon to news of two bachelorette parties. ♪ i had the time of my life >> reporter: one even with a special theme that promises to be the time of her life. >> carol middleton and pippa, in charge of all the arrangements, are planning a dirty dancing themed party at the family home because kate's a huge fan. >> reporter: and the world will be sure to pay attention especially to see what kate will be wearing. >> kate middleton has pulling power when it comes to selling clothes. >> reporter: remember her daring see-through dress she wore to catch william's eye? that sold for an astonishing $125,000. kate's outfits are the envy of all. her recent outing in a burberry
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coat sent women in a frenz y selling out within hours of her appearance. some style experts say it all started with a certain engagement. >> the three thing that work so perfectly with the dress was the fact that the color was the perfect regal blue. she showed cleavage but it wasn't too much. nipped at the waist shows off the figure but then skims the body so a lot of women can actually see themselves wearing it. it's a very flattering dress. >> reporter: the issa dress was designed by daniela, a name now synonymous with kate's engagement. and perhaps kate's wedding day. >> terms of the wedding dress, this is the biggest best-kept secret of the royal wedding. it's going to stay that way until the 29th of april. i think one thing we can be sure of, copies of that dress will be made as soon as she's captured on camera. >> that's a nice shot. commenting on their photos. they look lovely. they're a good couple. >> if you saw her wedding dress, it would be a huge thing -- oh, wait a minute.
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oh! >> what's going on? >> willis' old job. >> look at him in those mom >> willis' old job. >> look at him in those mom jeans.
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